Are there any initiatives or projects that you are considering executing now, that you did not execute pre-COVID-19? (Xavier Zermeno)

Xavier Zermeno

There are several initiatives that we "moved up" in our importance hierarchy scale since this extraordinary situation began a couple of months ago. You would expect this when companies enter "survival" mode, with the focus on being able to continue to perform at the service level that customers were used to before this event.

One initiative that we had been postponing in our organization that we had to accelerate as a result of COVID 19, was to reinforce our data and systems integrity and safety. Having organization members work from remote places (home, different Terminals, etc.) on a cloud-based ERP like SAP, and with all the increasing risks and threats of cyber-attacks, we decided that a substantial upgrade to our system security was of utmost importance. Our operation depends so much on this. This endeavor was not easy to implement and proved expensive. But it was definitely a better option than having our information hacked or everything stopping due to a cyber-attack (as we have seen happen to all kinds of companies).

A second initiative I would like to mention is our Human Capital Department Initiative to contribute, invest, and be especially aware of our organization members’ mental health. Detecting and helping depressed employees in this challenging time can make an impact on their lives and at the same time help our productivity.